Hi there, my name is Shi!

I am a fitness coach that specializes in strength and conditioning training. My passion for how mental and physical well-being can be impacted by fitness is what drove me to become a coach. I have personally struggled with body image and being uncomfortable in my own body. This has motivated to help people find passion for healthy living, finding a balanced lifestyle and learning to become their best selves while still reaching their fitness goals.  I believe in meeting you where you are at, and working towards consistency, sustainability and longevity together. I not only teach you how move your body, but also fall in love with both movement and your body while doing so. I strive to create a safe and comfortable space for everyone, regardless of your current fitness level. So join me in a journey to healthy living!

  • Certified Personal Trainer - Specializing in strength and conditioning 

  • Certified CPR + First Aid